As Chinese and Indian Economy grows… Canada follows

Lots of economic numbers out there today. The most important for me being from the Chinese, Indian, and of course Canadian spheres. First, Canada. The CBC is reporting the Bank of Canada’s new growth projection of 3.1% for 2006.. this is up from the projection in October. The bank continues to judge that the Canadian …

A thousand words.. down to one image and word PEAK

The only other words that matter are, “the logistic peak is May 2007 ± 4.5 years*” … ….from quite possibly the most gigantic, in depth, analysis ever written. It appeared today at the Oil Drum. I’d recommend putting your thinking cap on. *4.5 years… that means low end for peak oil was mid-2002 high end …

New Algorithm that detects political “spin”

The New Scientist website has an interesting article talking about political “spin”… and a new algorithm developed to tell who’s doing the most. The algorithm, which was originally developed to analyze the US Presidential candidates during the last election, has been applied to the Liberal, Conservative and NDP leaders. The results are perhaps predictable, but …