Sorry for not posting Monday or Tuesday but it being being back at work has given me a lot less time to get everything else done! Big news today! Theresa is FREE! She’s out of the hospital and back at home. Her BP on Monday was 135/90 and stayed there all day… the doctors let …
Tag Archives: US
New Decisions — 782g
Hi everyone. Well, another day of firsts. This time I’ll start with Jade. She’s still doing great but has a little Apnea (interrupted breathing). This is very common for premies (I think it’s official name is ‘Apnea of Prematurity?’). Anyway it basically means that she can slow down or stop breathing for short periods (5 …
Lots of Firsts
So here’s another post… ooo Back-to-Back. Theresa is doing ok today. She had another little bit of trouble with her BP last night but it’s back down (or at least controlled) this morning. She got to see Jade this morning so that was really good. Like Dr. Stubbs said, nothing lowers a mothers blood pressure …