Hi everyone. This past weekend went by much as others have gone by before it. First Friday night passed through… then Saturday was spent out and about… and Sunday we rested. All was well. We took Jade to the gardens at UVic. She enjoyed the fresh fall air and the mottled light coming through the …
Tag Archives: US
Flippin’ and a Floppin’
Hey there. Well, Jade is getting bigger everyday. She’s probably 10lbs now! I think she puts on an ounce everytime she eats a spoonful of rice cereal. There’s a new wrinkle every hour… a new layer of fat every few minutes. Lucky for her it all just makes her that much more cute! All is …
It’s Almost-Solid Food! ~9lbs
Hi! //Start News Ticker sound- “Dat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-dat This just in! Baby Jade eats Rice Cereal for the first time! “Dat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-datDat-dat Jade went to the doctor this week and got weighed and stuff.. right? I told you that already I think. Anyway the doctor mentioned that she could start eating solid (relatively) food when she was 4-6months. …