Glorifying Bin Laden by comparison with Hitler

Yesterday, in my Inter-Travels I came across this post at Harry’s Place (hatip: SMASH). It points a peice in the Observer which equates Islamic extremism with the G8s elitism as fanaticism in diferent forms. Here’s a quote: The so-called war against terrorism is, in fact, a war between two fanaticisms. To bracket the two together …

UN to investigate “US Prison Ships”

According to the Washington Times (free reg required) and the BBC, the UN is set to launch an investigation that the US is secretly using “prison ships” based in the Indian Ocean to hold suspected terrorists. (Audio Podcast Available) The BBC reports: The special rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak, said the claims were rumours at …

French win ITER Fusion reactor site

After a rather long and nasty battle, a site has finally been chosen to host the ITER Fusion reactor. (Audio Podcast Available) ITER is an international consortium consisting of the EU, US, China, Russia, France, the UK, and Japan. France and Japan had been the last two countries battling for the prestige, and jobs, that …