Economic turmoil a manifestation of hard-wired, human Darwinism?

I had a great little discussion with a colleague yesterday about the economic troubles in the United States and around the world right now. He mentioned that if you go to the Wiki for The Great Depression, many of reasons cited there correlate strongly with what is going on right now…. but more than that, …

Are the US Financial Networks propping up the US Economy

And are they finally losing their grip? CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, FoxNews… one wonders… if this was 1929 would the psychology of the crash have happened? Go read this link from Financial Now the Intl Monetary Fund has decided to conduct an investigation into the financial management of the US banking system! This is …

Mexicos largest oil field starts to decline?

Saw this on the Oil Drum this afternoon The original article appeared in the LA Times today. Production at Cantarell, the world’s second-largest oil complex, in the shallow gulf waters off the shore of Mexico’s southern Campeche state, averaged just over 1.8 million barrels a day in May, according to the most recent government figures. …