Port Alberni’s Future Development Zoned Land – Green Space or Urban Sprawl?

City Owned land on the market. At an Alberni Valley Transition Town Meeting on March 17th (agenda here) Councillor Poon, who is the City representative at the AVTTS (non-voting) told the members present that the City has tasked the newly re-hired Director of Development with “selling off empty pieces of land that are within our …

To The Editor: It is Time for a Provincial Environmental Health Officer

Dear Editor, (Published June 20 Times Colonist “We need a Bonnie Henry for climate change”) As I watch the calm, compassionate and intensely rational and authoritative handling of the COVID19 pandemic by Dr. Bonnie Henry, I can’t help but think we need this for BC’s environment and ecosystems. Dr. Henry’s primary goal is to work …

Compromise solution for Harbour View Lands

Submitted to the Alberni Valley News this morning: Dear Editor,There is a simple solution to the Harbourview Lands question.  The treed “park” area which has stood the same for most of the past 100 years (if not much longer) and has an active eagle’s nest right now, is only one portion of the area under …