For all you Canadian singles out there who are either fed up with your boring Canadian counterparts, or simply take pity on our Liberal American cousins… there is a site just for you! Marry an Here is a site specifically tailored to finding refuge for those poor Americans who feel so isolated and excluded …
Tag Archives: Election
Blue Canada
Check out this incredible, county by county, image from USA Today Now how about this “alternative” Maybe this election wasn’t so bad afterall! Update: Hey wait! I just noticed that “My Island” is now under Russian control! Oh well, I’ve always wanted to go to Siberia.. I guess this means Siberia would come to me!
International Election Results reaction
Alright… so in the spirit of my interrupted Election night coverage, I will continue with Post-Election reaction from the same sources around the world. Now that Kerry has Conceded, the reaction is starting to flow… Stay tuned to this thread for updates on the reaction from media outlets around the world: AlJazeera As US President …