Bound By Gravity puts out the challenge to gather up all the information on federal party donations on the Elections site. It’s there, but it seems some of the Powers that Be don’t want us to know it. Count me in.
Tag Archives: Election
More on Lebanon and Syrias crisis
A continuation of yesterdays thread… which now has 7 Updates. Please read them all! I just came across this article at the Daily Star (a Lebanese newspaper) It’s very very interesting, some things I was not aware of: Unlike the U.S., France is not seeking Assad’s overthrow, only the reform of his government. Chirac has …
Lebanese Government Resigns
10s of thousands are protesting in the streets. They are Muslim and Christian alike. The Pro-Syrian Lebanese government has resigned, even though they would have defeated a non-confidence vote. (BBC, ADBOI) Is this going to be the “Cedar Revolution”? Udpated 7 times The past few days events have been very interesting in Lebanon. It is …