Evolution of the Federal riding in Port Alberni since 1896.

Wow, that’s a lot of data. On January 30, I stumbled across an amazing and new resource called election-atlas.ca. It has compiled, through maps, the results of every Canadian federal and provincial election since Canada was a country! Amazing! In this blog you will find a story of the riding that has included Port Alberni …

Early voting starts this weekend! Here’s how in Port Alberni.

Advance voting starts today! Advance voting is this long weekend. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the Athletic Hall (beside the Multiplex hockey arena and North Island College) from 9AM to 9PM. How do you vote? Elections Canada has all the info. If you received a voting card, bring it with you along with photo …

De-Bunking the No-STV website

I just happened to go over to the No-STV website and there is nothing that bugs me more than FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. And this website has it in spades. I’ll point out 3: #1… the “Hockey Analogy”: No-STV plots out a hypothetical 7 game Stanley Cup Final with Vancouver vs. Toronto: With four …