Iran: Threatening US Economic Dominance

There has been a landslide of news out of Iran this week. Taken one bit at a time, it wouldn’t be so bad… but as it is all happening all at once, it does not bode well for the economic, social, and military balance in the world. Here’s a list of the major news from …

The Greens: Worth it, or Waste?

That is often the question people ask themselves when they consider voting Green. And well they should. The Greens have never held a seat in Parliament or in a provincial Legislature. So why *would* you vote for them? Well, there are many reasons. And some you may not realised. Did you know that the Green …

Policy Position: On Peak Oil

A question for the Leaders of our Political Partys (this includes the Greens once the election gets rolling) Over the past year, the imminent decline of global oil resources, or “peak oil” as it is commonly known, has come to the forefront of public discourse. This inevitable occurence is only 2 or 3 electoral “terms” …