UPDATE 1: The CBC now reports that the government has officially announced $425 million over 5 years. What’s more, personal donations from Canadians has reached $100 million including the largest single personal donation every made, $5 million, to the Canadian Red Cross coming from “Music World’ music store millionaires Kroum and Evan Pindoff. Correction I …
Tag Archives: Canada
Donations pile up; Looking at the World response
UPDATE 3: The CBC now reports that private Canadian donations have topped $70 million and Paul Martin says Canada will give “significantly more” than the $80 million already pledged. UPDATE 3: The CBC reports from a Paul Martin press conference that Canadians have contributed $70 million so far and that his government will significantly boost …
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Ongoing US prison scandals
Over the past couple days more allegations have surfaced about the US using Abu-Graib style interview techniques in their prisons in Iraq and Guantanamo. Why is this such a problem when it’s the modus-operandi of most Middle Eastern nations? Well, to blunt… The United States of America is not a Middle Eastern nation. I find …