Korean PM resigns for playing Golf

How different politics, and honour, can be in other countries. South Korea’s prime minister offered his resignation and an apology Tuesday for playing golf while a national rail strike disrupted his country. Lee Hae-chan’s resignation was accepted by the country’s president If only other leaders were so honourable and held to such impeccable standards. Need …

Wind Power Economics

In the comments of my previous post on Manitoba Wind Farms, David Billington asked, ” It would be interesting to know the economics of wind energy compared to fossil fuels as a source of electric power.” Indeed it would. And as if it were simply meant to be… out came a very timely article. It’s …

Blogging Links for DIGI… and posterity

I’m going to be giving a small talk to some students in the DIGI 110 course of our Media Studies Program at Malaspina University-College. I’ve given a similar talk to students in the CMC 290 class as well. They also have an ongoing “blog on blogging”. Here are some handy links to various blogging related …