In response to David Schreck on BC-STV
A letter opposing BC-STV appeared yesterday in the Parksville Qualicum News. It was written by David Schreck, secretary-treasurer of the No BC-STV Campaign Society. Full Disclosure: I have joined the Pro STV campaign as a volunteer in the Alberni-Qualicum riding. Here is my response to Mr. Schreck He says: [BC-STV] replaces local representation with regional …
Live Blogging from Vancouver Island University
7:54:05 AM: I'm trying this again because it did actually end up working yesterday.7:55:06 AM: I have a feeling it's a timezone issue.7:56:14 AM: If it is then this should appear on at around 11AM PST7:57:51 AM: Which really makes it useless for what I wanted to use it for, which was to live …
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