UPDATE 2: Another newly discovered Iraqi blog called "neurotic Iraqi Wife". This is a wife of a man who works in the Green Zone. And she has posted responses from her husband to questions pertaining to the upcoming elections. UPDATE 1: Adding to my Iraqi blogs on the side... I read this in one of …
Arab Satellite Networks talk reform
The Blog Abu Aardvark talked recently about what the popular Arab Satellite networks are actually talking about right now... you know, besides inciting terrorism and violence and hatred against the US. You might be surprised. I was actually going to blog about this a little while ago because I noticed on Al Jazeeras' website that …
Daddy Takes a Tumble
So last night was an adventure. I was taking care of Jade while Theresa went to the Tuesday night movie with her friend. All was well, I fed her burped her, she was a little cranky and tired so I put her up in her crib to sleep. When I put her down she really …