Ignorance and Greed using the Prophet Mohammad

This issue is just getting out of control, and it’s bringing out the worst in both Western and Middle Eastern society. We have all seen the terrible reactions, both politically and emotionally motivated, in the Middle East. Riots, tear gas, burnings, and even death. The reaction in the West has been less overt, but in …

Iranians blog about UNSC referral

The BBC has an excellent service called BBC Monitoring that gathers information in over 100 languages around the world and translates them into English. Unfortuately, it’s not free, but they do include information from those sources in many articles. Yesterday I ran across this article on Iranian bloggers who are discussing the nuclear issue between …

As Chinese and Indian Economy grows… Canada follows

Lots of economic numbers out there today. The most important for me being from the Chinese, Indian, and of course Canadian spheres. First, Canada. The CBC is reporting the Bank of Canada’s new growth projection of 3.1% for 2006.. this is up from the projection in October. The bank continues to judge that the Canadian …