The BBC has an excellent service called BBC Monitoring that gathers information in over 100 languages around the world and translates them into English. Unfortuately, it’s not free, but they do include information from those sources in many articles. Yesterday I ran across this article on Iranian bloggers who are discussing the nuclear issue between …
Category Archives: UN
Asserting Sovereignty 2: Provincial Creationism
In my last post on this topic, I focused on how Canada can use the Law of the Sea to assert it’s sovereignty over the Artic and the Northwest Passage. This has been talked about ad nauseum, which is why I’m shifting gears, and proposing what might be both both a much simpler, and yet …
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Asserting Sovereignty 1: Use the Law
Again today, the issue of Canadian sovereignty over Arctic waters was raised by US Ambassador Wilkins, and subsequently dismissed by acting-Prime Minister Stephen Harper. “The United States defends its sovereignty and the Canadian government will defend our sovereignty,” Harper told reporters in Ottawa. “It is the Canadian people we get our mandate from, not the …