Delta Force founder calls Iraq “Utter Debacle”

(emphasis added) Q: What’s your assessment of the war in Iraq? A: Utter debacle. … (Army Gen.) Tommy Franks was brow-beaten … That’s why he retired immediately afterward. We have fomented civil war in Iraq. We have probably fomented internecine war in the Muslim world between the Shias and the Sunnis, and I think Bush …

Iraq to US Ambassador: Butt Out.

Apparently the United States doesn’t understand, or at least want to accept, the “democracy” that they helped create in Iraq. Mr Jaafari’s spokesman accused the US of trying to subvert Iraqi sovereignty. Mr Takki said the US ambassador had passed on his government’s dissatisfaction with Mr Jaafari at a meeting with the leader of the …

Iraq: US sits Idly by as Green Zone plot Foiled

It seems Iraq really is teetering on the cliff of oblivion. It appears as though yesterday they dodged another major bullet. Minister of Interior Bayan Jabr announced that a plot had been foiled to place hundreds of Sunni Arab troops actually loyal to the insurgency in position at the Green Zone and then to have …