The Conservative Party is its’ own worst enemy

Nothing can be more true than that title right now. As this minority parliament drags on it only becomes more and more clear that no matter how much some Canadians may want the Liberals out… the Conservatives can do nothing but shoot themselves in the foot. The Grewal scandal is the iteration of this fact. …

D-Day and WWII remembrance.

Today I will be reposting an entry that I made last year on this day. It was actually on my personal blog but it was one of the first political posts that I had ever done and was a precursor to my lauching this site later in the year. My pilgrimage to Normandy and the …

Canadian Colonialism in Haiti?

I’ve been hot on the trail of the US Administration lately, but that doesn’t mean that I have ignored the transgressions of our government here in Canada. No, I’m not talking about the truly idiotic soap opera that’s going on between the Liberals and CPC about “The Grewal Tapes”… I’m talking about a story that …