World Junior Hockey, Sport imitates life?

As the World Junior Hockey Championship continues in Vancouver, I can’t help but use it for my own twisted political means… err, I mean as a interesting way to revisit a continuing issue. That issue is, America’s International “image”, particularly with it’s closest neighbour, and traditional ally, Canada. We all know that as the Iraq …

Law trumps Bush Politics

Here’s something you don’t hear enough of lately… strong Conservative voices speaking truth about the current US Administration’s policies rather than simply towing the party line. Today, the 4th Circuit Court of a Appeal rapped George Bush’s knuckles for saying one thing yet doing another. The issue at hand is the holding of suspected terrorist …

Jim Harris Jim Harris where art thou Jim Harris?

If you had been trying to “follow” the Green Party in the media over the last 3 weeks you would have found it very difficult. The coverage has been, at best minimal and at worst, totally non-existant. Some may say that the blame lies in the media establishment, and I’m sure there is an element …