Go check out Raed in the Middle today. He’s visiting Iran/Tehran and he has lots to say. Looks like he’s having a good time!
Category Archives: Family
Huygens Probe lands on Titan
A probe has landed on a moon of Saturn called Titan. How do they *do* this stuff? It’s totally amazing. I’ve been watching the live NASA TV broadcast for a while now and saw the moment when apparently, the European Space Agency control center, received the first hard data from the Huygens space probe after …
Fun in the Snow and Eating
Hi again. So, last weekend Victoria got dumped on, or at least our small neighbourhood, with about 30 centimeters of snow… about 1.5 feet! That’s ALOT for Victoria.. and what’s more, it’s still really cold… like -5 at night (28F)… which again is very unusual for Victoria, and the West Coast of BC in general. …