Council votes to prepare regulations for Marijuana Dispensaries. (Also, Web Video creeping Closer!)

Update: Councillor Sauvé has provided his perspective on the issue. It is always a good sign when the public has filled the Council Chambers at City Hall 5 minutes before the regular council meeting starts. The big topic of interest on the Nov 9 Agenda was Marijuana Dispensaries and what to do with the dispensary …

Port Alberni – Federal All Candidates Meeting Raw Notes

Below you will see my notes taken at tonights all candidates meeting at the Italian Social Centre in Port Alberni.  I make no guarantees that this is accurate though some if not much of it is word for word.  I would characterize, as objectively as possible, the meeting this way.  There was Barb Biley of …

Less Fires in the City, More Water in Dry Creeks (where and when it’s supposed to be), and in Dunk Tanks!

A few interesting things happening in City Business. Big changes to Fires in the City Over the past couple weeks the City has gone through a bit of a sea change on the fire prevention front and it all comes down to improving Air Quaity. #1: Backyard Burning banned yearround starting April 16, 2016. This will not affect …