Mexicos largest oil field starts to decline?

Saw this on the Oil Drum this afternoon The original article appeared in the LA Times today. Production at Cantarell, the world’s second-largest oil complex, in the shallow gulf waters off the shore of Mexico’s southern Campeche state, averaged just over 1.8 million barrels a day in May, according to the most recent government figures. …

Hotter than Hades – Climate Change vs. Global Warming.

So is this Global Warming? More precisely… is this Climate Change? We’ve set a number of temperature records in British Columbia over the past few days. My weather station at Alberni recorded a maximum of 41.1C on Friday (21st) and over 38C yesterday in the City of Port Alberni. Both would be records if …

Feasibility of Renewables – Or – Wind can power the World

I’ve been looking into improving the energy efficiency of my own home since I moved in last July. Being that the home was built in 1946, there is a lot of work to be done. In my travels, I’ve come across many studies and projects dealing with renewable energy… I’d like to talk about one …