The Electrification of Vancouver Island (passenger and freight rail)

(There is an addition to this article here) I’ve proposed to a number of people over the past few months that what needs to happen in order to limit our consumption of oil *and* our emissions of climate-change inducing fumes, is to electrify our transportation networks. With regular joes like myself, I usually get a …

Mini-Hydro and alt-energy grows in BC

Good news from my neck of the woods. Last week, BC Hydro announced a new generation projectrs from Independant Power Producers. Political objections about allowing business to control electrical energy resources aside… it *is* good that new generating capacity will be coming online in BC, and the majority of it is from renewable sources. A …

Why Ethanol is Not the Answer:

“Heatwaves and biofuel demand in Europe and US to fuel bread, pasta and beer price rises” Finfacts (Irish Business news portal) The combination of heatwaves in Europe and the US, low global grain stocks and an increase in production of biofuels has seen wheat prices rise to 10-year highs and may lead to big increases …