2009 Artic Sea Ice Maximum Fifth Lowest in Satellite Era

A new entry at the National Snow and Ice Data Center out of Colorado is out and the news is that even with this years La Nina induced cold temperatures in parts of North America, the trend of diminishing Arctic sea ice shows little sign of abating. (Emphasis Added) On February 28, Arctic sea ice …

France threatens to take their wine and cheese and leave the party

France is threatening to pull out of G20 talks without real changes to world financial regulations. Christine Lagarde told Hardtalk that President Nicolas Sarkozy would not sign any agreement if he felt “the deliverables are not there”. Strengthening financial regulation will be one of the key issues at the G20. France wants a stronger global …

Our little town, Port Alberni, is at the forefront of this Transition

After todays Public Forum on Climate Change and Sustainability, I really do think that Port Alberni is at the leading edge of what *really* needs to happen on the way forward. The simple fact that 3 out of our current 6 councillors plus the Mayor and all of the senior management of the City were …