Here’s your proof of Evolution (or not?) Mr. Lunney

Dear Honourable Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Alberni James Lunney, On Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 you stood in Parliament and said this: Mr. Speaker, recently we saw an attempt to ridicule the presumed beliefs of a member of this House and the belief of millions of Canadians in a Creator. Certain individuals in the media and …

Arctic Sea Ice 5th smallest… and thinnest, on record.

While this years arctic sea ice picture has improved since its historic low in 2007, the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado says don’t be too excited. Expanse is only one measure, the other, which could be of even greater importance? Thickness, and the story is not a good one. As you can …

G20 Leaders must create new Reserve Currency… or face decade of hardship.

That is one of the recommendations from a European Think Tank “LEAPE20/20” in an open letter published last week. (hattip: The Oil Drum). Your next summit takes place in a few days in London; but are you aware that you have less than a semester to prevent the world from plunging into a crisis that …