Dear Editor, Promoting active, healthy lifestyles, building paths and trails or walkways beside the water or railway. It is all a wonderful way to connect the community and public transit is a key, and very affordable, part of it so that you can go from A to B all by the same means no matter …
Category Archives: Environment
To The Editor: It is Time for a Provincial Environmental Health Officer
Dear Editor, (Published June 20 Times Colonist “We need a Bonnie Henry for climate change”) As I watch the calm, compassionate and intensely rational and authoritative handling of the COVID19 pandemic by Dr. Bonnie Henry, I can’t help but think we need this for BC’s environment and ecosystems. Dr. Henry’s primary goal is to work …
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Installing a Hitch and Wiring Harness into a 2019 Hyundai Kona Electric
Updated – New Power Controller A week after my electrician friend and I installed the wiring harness and a few days after getting a new trailer, something went bad in the controller that required it to be replaced. I have added what I did to diagnose and eventually replace the power controller with a Tekonsha …
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