Assessing the Iranian Threat

Last week, the prospect of a showdown with Iran at the United Nations Security Council seemed inevitable. This week, the rhetoric has been toned down somewhat, and today the Chinese delegation expressed it’s support for a possible Russian solution to Irans nuclear problem. All that said, there still seems to be plenty of talk about …

A thousand words.. down to one image and word PEAK

The only other words that matter are, “the logistic peak is May 2007 ± 4.5 years*” … ….from quite possibly the most gigantic, in depth, analysis ever written. It appeared today at the Oil Drum. I’d recommend putting your thinking cap on. *4.5 years… that means low end for peak oil was mid-2002 high end …

Feeling the Freeze in Europe? Blame Canada!

At this moment in my hometown of Port Alberni, it is 10.6 degrees Celsius (51F). “Normal” for this time of year is more like 5.6C. By contrast, Moscow, Russia is currently enjoying -15C weather. This is actually an improvement from last week, when the temperature plummeted to -30C, but still far from the 4C average …