Is this the last gasp before all out civil war? Iraq seems to have continued its spiral downwards as the Israel/Hezbollah conflict distracts the MSMs attention. 35 more people were killed today at a Shiite shrine in Najaf. Shiite religious leaders said: “We hold Takfiris [Sunni extremists] and Saddamists directly responsible for this horrible crime …
Author Archives: chrisale
Electrification of Vancouver Island — Addition
Prompted by questions in the comments of the last thread, (here) It just occured to me that it would be quite easy to figure out the theoretical peak load of such a system. All you have to know is the number of locomotives on the system and their maximum rated horsepower and convert it to …
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The US/Canada Relationship ices over…
or… what to do during the hardest days between two longtime friends. Imagine for a moment, a frigid day across Canada in mid-January, 2010. The Olympics are just around the corner, the athletes are already arriving, and the whole country is revving up with excitement. A cold snap comes… nothing new for Canadians… it reaches …