Some snippets from Iraqi blogs today.. lots of reaction on the voting process. My asumption would be that people and families who blog are very likely to vote as well.
Healing Iraq “Voted Against”.
Omar at Iraq the Model Said Yes.
A Star from Mosul is too young to vote.. but his whole family went (and I believe voted no)… he has a great diary on the days happenings.
He has a few funny anecdotes worth reading
one minor disappointment though…
“[My] uncle’s family didn’t vote, they said the Imam told them it’s a responsibility to vote, and they should read the constitution first, but as most of the Iraqis in Mosul, they didn’t get a copy of it. In fact, I heard no one saying that they have! Other uncles, however, went out and voted.”
But listen to what he has to say about the BBCs report that Sunni would likely reject the constitution and the Kurds and Shia approve it:
read the BBC in the morning:
Seeing the numbers of voters, the number of women and men, gave me an assurance that the media outside is biased. Sunnis went out to vote, 2 times in the morning the [Kurdish] Peshmargah came and closed the voting center, but it was re-opened.
His father explains a little about the conflict between the Peshmargah and the Iraqi police… in the end though.. the whole family, and most of their friends and relatives voted.
Dad says:(In the comments section):
We (me and my wife) went to the votting center and vote. There were over crowd there, at least two strykers, two other American vehicles, and many Police cars there.
But we found our way in, and vote “NO”.My impresson is that most of the people I met there, were goining to vote NO.
(this is from Mosul.. I guess American forces were not completely confined to their bases).
Unfortunately, those are all the blogs I have found that are updated. If anyone has any others… please feel free to post about them in the comments.