Podcasting now available

Hi everyone.

I’ve been thinking about it for a little while, and I’ve decided to offer a “Podcast” of this blog. Basically what that means is I will offer an Audio file that you can download and listen to instead of reading this site.

That means that if you have an RSS reader that supports it you can go to and grab the list of audio feeds on this blog, download them, and listen to them at your leisure without bothering to come here and read.

I do this because I know how time consuming it is to read a website thoroughly and completely. I don’t know how many times I have a bunch of articles I want to read and I’m only able to get to a few of them.

Hopefully this will give you a way of listening to the posts while you’re doing other things and then you can come back and join in the discussion!


…. A Howto…

Just wanted to tell you also how I did this podcast. I am using a Mac running MacOS X and iLife 05… that’s key. If you’re using Windows, sorry, I can’t help you out cuz I’ve never done it on there. But there are lots of tutorials on the net.

MacOS X 10.3 or 10.4
iMovie and iTunes
A microphone

#1: Open a new Project iMovie HD and click the “Audio” button

#2: Record your entry using the Record mechanism in the Audio button

#3: Export your newly created audio (through the “Share” menu) to Quicktime using the “Expert Settings”. Select “Sound to WAV”… I selected Mono at 44.1KHz

: Open the file in iTunes and convert the file to MP3 format (make sure you select MP3 from the Importing preference in iTunes). Now your file is ready to upload to the server.

#5: Now use Feeder to create your RSS feed or you can create it manually using tutorials on the Net.

That’s it!


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